Tiny Dancers (no stars)Were a tiny late so I didn't see them
Dirty Pretty things (three stars)They were okay but not very special, maybe I need to know the songs first.
Bromheads Jacket (four stars)
One star for breaking his guitar, great show!
My latest Novel (three stars)I wasn't the right moment to see them right after Bromheads Jacket but they're okay I guess.
The Immediate (two stars)
First two songs were okay but didn't make an impression.
Futureheads (two stars) Why is this band big in the UK? maybe this wasn't a decent night.
We start fires (two stars)Screaming women with guitars just don't do it for me.
Larrikin Love (four stars)
Yes, this band was fun! reaggae, ska, rock and a nice earring.
Long Blondes (two stars)Women with guitars just don't do it for me.
The Cinematics (three stars)I guess every London Calling needs a Joy division clone.
Howling Bells (two stars)Shoegazers unite! Could be a band for PJ Harvey fans.
Humanzi (no stars)Room was too full and I wanted te sit down so watched them on the screen, sounded okay but dind't see them live.
The Kooks (three stars)Hmm expected something more but I liked the songs.
Good Shoes (three stars)Liked it but maybe it's just because I know the songs.
Mystery Jets (two stars)Big disappointment!
Noisettes (three stars)This was different great voice and energy
Sunshine Underground (four stars)What a great band, for fans of !!! or the rapture this is great!
Bromheads Jacket - When you wasn't famousSunshine Underground - Put you in your place (12'' extended mix)Larrikin Love - On sussex downs