Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Take me out to see Junkyard

The junk yard Band were a group of kids ages 8 to 11 living in a government housing project in Washington, D.C., were inspired to play music upon continually seeing performances of go-go bands in their neighborhood. Not having any money to buy instruments they used crates, cans ,buckets and old pots and pans from nearby alleys and junkyards to play on. After just a few performances they group was dubbed the name, "Junkyard Band." In the late 1980's, with the help of their manager Mo Shorter, Junkyard got an album deal with Def-Jam Records where they cut a couple of singles one of them was Tiddy Balls. According to their website the band still plays live every week in Temple hills and Washington.

Junk Yard Band - Tidy Balls (remix)
Junk Yard Band - You can hate me


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